Ministerial Day 1: CSISAC discusses online disinformation

Dec 14, 2022
On Wednesday, December 14, CSISAC participated in the panel "Combating misinformation and disinformation online" at the OECD 2022 Ministerial Meeting, which runs until December 16 in Gran Canaria, Spain.

This session aimed to explore ways in which technology and policy can help mitigate the harmful effects of disinformation on individuals and society.

Carolina Botero, member of the CSISAC Steering Committee and Executive Director of Fundación Karisma, gave an overview of the negative implications that disinformation fosters in the digital and public space, both regionally and globally.

According to the delegate, she reaffirmed the idea of reanalyzing regulatory frameworks and actions to mitigate them, saying: "This is not a one size fits all, and needs to be discussed elsewhere, cultural contexts, human and economic resources, and legal backgrounds are different, jurisdiction powers and capacities are not the same and therefore the maturity of the discussion is asymmetric".

Finally, the participation of the OECD in the meeting was acknowledged and it was urged to continue working on its approach to the issue. "A way to address this more effectively is if it deals with specific problematic content, probably OECD can address the issues of States as actors and help shape better practices putting people at the center", concluded the speaker.

Also participating in the event were: Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen, Denmark Tech Ambassador; Miguel Escassi, Google Director, Government Affairs and Public Policy; Sebastian Hallensleben, VDE Head of Digitalisation & AI; Kristian Jarvan, Estonia Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology; Henri Verdier, France Ambassadeur.